Rough Notes:

The mysteries of Mercury

Mercury is a mysterious planet. Here are some of the main Mercury mysteries.

    • Mercury has water ice, that also seems to be not as old as would be expected
    • Mercury's atmosphere changes with its distance from the Sun
    • Apart from Earth, it is the only inner planet with a global magnetic field. Mercury's magnet field is strangely off center, is different at the North pole compared to its South pole, behaves similar to Earths and is also much older than it should be

mercury mystery mysteries planet puzzles magnetic geology

  • Mercury has no Moon or Rings of its own
  • Mercury has a Hot Flow Anomaly (HFA) which seems to be energtic plasma area going towards the Sun, against the solar plasma wind
  • Mercury's geology seems to show similar geology to other planets and even has what has been interpreted as evidence for shrinkage
  • It is the second densest planet in the Solar System: 5.4 grams/cu cm
  • Mercury's huge iron core takes up more than 60% of the planet's mass

Mercury key conundrum

The key conundrum is why the planet contains an outsized iron core and only a thin veneer of silicate rocks.

A favoured theory before Messenger was that Mercury at some point in its history was stripped of its outer layers, either by a big collision with another body or by the erosive effects of being so close to the Sun.

But the American probe observed large abundances of volatile substances. "They shouldn't be there had those events happened in Mercury's past; the sulphur and potassium volatiles on the surface just shouldn't be there," insisted Prof Emma Bunce, a principal investigating scientist from Leicester University, UK.

And the other mystery about the surface is that there isn't much iron on it
BepiColombo: Joint Mercury mission ready for 'pizza oven' | BBC

Are there any alternative ideas?

Mercury electrochemical elements?

The planet has a very thin atmosphere that is known as an "exosphere" (something that is also present on the Moon, for example.) Scientists have detected calcium, sodium and magnesium in it—all elements that appear to change in concentration as the planet gets closer and further from the Sun in its orbit. The changes appear to be linked to how much solar radiation pressure falls on the planet.
What's important to know about planet Mercury? |

planet mercury mystery mysteries geology magnetic plasma hfa hot flow anomaly

Mercury's odd magnetic field

Mercury is the only terrestrial planet - apart from Earth - to have a global magnetic field. But it is an odd one. The field is roughly three times stronger in the northern hemisphere than it is in the south.
BepiColombo: Joint Mercury mission ready for 'pizza oven' | BBC

Electromagnetic gravity, mass, weight?

Electrochemical water ice

Close examination of the ice shows sharp boundaries, which implies that it wasn't deposited that long ago; if it was, the ice would be somewhat eroded and mixed in with Mercury's regolith surface. So somehow, the ice perhaps came there recently—but how? What's more, it appears the ice deposits on the Moon and the ice deposits on Mercury are different ages, which could imply different conditions for both of the bodies.
What's important to know about planet Mercury? |

Water formed electrochemically due to electrical potential differences with the Suns two different types of plasma and other objects in the circuits?

Mercury perfectly placed?

Mercury surface temperatures swing between 425C and -180C. Is this part of its design as a component in a plasma circuit with the star and solar system? Extreme potential differences that close to the Sun?

BepiColombo Mercury mission

The joint European Space Agency and Japanese BepiColombo mission to Mercury will launch in 2018 but only arrive in orbit around Mercury in 2025.

BepiColombo's two orbiters, Japan's Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter and ESA's Mercury Planetary Orbiter, will be carried together by the Mercury Transport Module. The carrier will use a combination of electric propulsion and multiple gravity-assists at Earth, Venus and Mercury to complete the 7.2 year journey to the Solar System's mysterious innermost planet.

Once at Mercury, the orbiters will separate and move into their own orbits to make complementary measurements of Mercury's interior, surface, exosphere and magnetosphere.
Preparing for Mercury: BepiColombo stack completes testing | ESA

Alternative interpretations?

Are there any alternatives to peer reviewed accepted theories?

Thunderbolts Electric Universe theory suggests that the similar mythology recorded in folklore around the world describes the births of planets (scions) including wars and the potential changes in the gods/planets status.

To reduce the electrical stress, a star, a brown dwarf star, a gas giant like Jupiter or Saturn, our star, sometimes reduces its potential difference by birthing objects that would include planets and stars of all types.

Would chaos, energy wars of difference would always have to ensue until peace/balance was somehow temporarily obtained? Change means rebirth, conversion of potential energy? Difference means change?

Another interesting interpretation to consider because the end result is potentially what is observed. Which seems good enough for academic scientists if that is the only solution they can come up with. Via Velikovsky ... Talbott ...Ackerman ... Gary Gilligan in his God King Scenario suggesting that planetary catastrophe includes the metal core of Mars being ripped out by electromagnetic forces to form metal planet Mercury.

Gilligan suggests that the Martian Valles Marineris is the birth scar, the Caesarian cut, where Mercury was extracted by forceps. Witnessed by the ancient Egyptian people and the even more interested Pharaohs whose lives actually depended on it?

He links planets to gods to their earthly representative Ka, the Pharaohs, until death or a usurper god planet do us apart. With the Egyptian god Aten and his Pharaoh linked to the fate of the new planet - electromagnetically potentially active in all spectrum.

Give the GKS a go, it can open your mind to what plasma mythology was like to live through. How would you describe electrical thunderbolt wars between planets that would be understood in 4000 years time?

The rather good The Jupiter Myth by Julian West also describes Mercury's history as well as exploring the God and planet Jupiter's role in the Pantheon.


"I can place Mercury in the polar configuration late in the Gravettian (circa 24,000 ya) or in the Magdalenian (17,000 to 14,000 ya), but certainly long ago."(Cook, Appendix B n.8) 

Gravettian Era figurines, c. -28,000 to -24,000, seem to indicate that Mercury was visibly part of the Saturnian Polar Stack during that era. 

Birth of Thoth (from Turin Canon) -- Mercury's plasmasphere begins to glow shortly before Saturn nova event?  

            c. -4939 
Incipit reign of pre-nova King Alorus (appearance of                    Mars/Mercury in the North Skies, as seen "seated" on the         'throne' of Saturn).
Mercury, as 'Xmucane,' begins 'grinding corn-meal'

0 Alorus                          720 y          4939 - 4220 BC

           c. -4219 
First instabilities of Mercury (lasting until c. -3147) ? 
Mercury wandered left and right, which shows up in the fan- or shell-shape of the plasma streams impinging on Mercury (or, a visual artifact of the 4 to 56 twisted pairs branching out from the North (Talbott) Column?). 

First appearance of 'cornmeal mountain;' Mercury as 'Xmucane' begins 'grinding maize-meal' a 2nd time

1 Alulim                           128                    4219 - 4092 BC  

Beginning of creation as the birth of Adam, 930 years before -3147. Possibly an estimate related to the end of Alulim's reign in -4092?

2 Alaljar          160                    4091 - 3932 BC

Mercury as 'Xmucane' begins 'grinding maize-meal' a 3rd time

Creation date per Massoretic Bible (based on calculation of 1948 yrs from Abram back to Adam). Possibly an estimate related to the end of Alaljar's reign in -3932?

3 Enmenluana       192               3931 - 3740 BC
Mercury as 'Xmucane' begins 'grinding maize-meal' a 4rd time

4 Enmengalana     128                3739 - 3612 BC
Mercury as 'Xmucane' begins 'grinding maize-meal' a 5th time

5 Dumuzid        160                     3611  - 3451  BC
Mercury as 'Xmucane' begins 'grinding maize-meal' a 6th time

6 Ensipadzidana       128             3450 - 3323 BC
Mercury as 'Xmucane' begins 'grinding maize-meal' a 7th time

7 Ermendurana     96              3322 - 3227 BC
Mercury as 'Xmucane' begins 'grinding maize-meal' - 8th time

8 UbaraTutu     80            3226 - 3147 BC 
Mercury as 'Xmucane' seen to continue 'grinding maize-meal' for the 9th time, tho 'cornmeal moutain' has disappeared

            c. -4219 
First instabilities of Mercury (lasting until c. -3147) ? 
Mercury wandered left and right, which shows up in the fan- or shell-shape of the plasma streams impinging on Mercury (a visual artifact of the 4 to 56 twisted pairs branching out from the North (Talbott) Column?). . . . 

            c. -3147 to -3067
Mercury may likely have been "at a potential partially equal to that of Saturn's plasmasphere," and thus remained within Saturn's plasmasphere (with Mars) until being released c. -3067. Together, the relatively small dependent column of Mercury and Mars may have been the visual origin of the mytho-historical 'missing penis' of Osiris. 

            c. -3067
Most likely first regular appearance of Mercury-Mars/Horus; inferred to have happened 10 times by Egyptian records, some 10 or 11 times by the Kings List, 10 times by the Maya Chilam Balam (from c. -3067 to -2750 to -2700) 

            c. -806 to -687
Mercury (?)-Mars passed by the Earth at a distance of perhaps 40,000 miles -- well within Earth's plasmasphere. No shock would have been experienced then, only a continuous arc of lightning. (This is a rare case of [2] planets in relatively close proximity, and seems to have been so traumatic that "unconscious" archetypal imprints stirred to awakening briefly in the panicking public who tuned in to Orson Welles' radio drama "War of the Worlds" in October 1938.) 


Mysterious Electric Mercury | Space News

In April 2015, the NASA spacecraft MESSENGER completed its more than four year journey in the orbit of the planet Mercury. New discoveries in the mission have emphasized just how mysterious Mercury is for planetary scientists. Recurring features across the entire planet have recently left planetary scientists searching for answers.