The Cosmism Paradigm Shift - Chapter 1
The Paradigm Shift
A paradigm shift is required in order for science, religion, and philosophy to answer the questions they've been asking for thousands of years. Our scientific model (paradigm) we have created since Einstein needs to change. We have to shift from that model, to a new model. This "Cosmism" theory provides at least the majority of that model we need to shift to, the same way we have made major paradigm shifts in the past in our advancements in science.
This new cosmism model includes many tools outside of science required to be pulled in and used along with science. Comparing ancient myths, religions, and philosophies are a few of these tools. Other very useful tools would be things like plasma physics, planetary science, and ancient symbolic imagery in order to answer these questions.
The pages shown below are only the beginning of making that shift from the current limited models to a much larger and all inclusinve model of tools that has already answered and proven many new theories and sits on the cutting edge of science, philosophy, and religion, about to answer the rest.