I get this question all the time.
“Why study all this cosmology and symbolism stuff when today’s prophets and apostles emphasize gospel principles? Isn’t that an indication of where we should spend our time and efforts?”
I respond:
Yes. The brethren focus on the basics for the benefit of potential converts and the newest church members because their mission is worldwide conversion and the building of the kingdom. That’s why their message is repetitive. They consistently emphasize the basics. And there is great wisdom and virtue for each of us in revisiting those basics on a regular basis. That’s why we consistently hear that same, vital counsel.
But once firmly grounded in the faith, the responsibility to move forward is wholly ours. The brethren are not there to do what we can do for ourselves. We are responsible for our own salvation. This has always been true.
Inquirers then ask, “Then, why bother with traditional, cosmological imagery? How is this useful? Isn’t this information really irrelevant to our salvation, just a curious sideline?”
Here’s my response: