Amazing coincidences or a Mars electric delivery system?
- Comet Siding Spring (C/2013 A1) travels to intersect the orbit of Mars
- Maximum dusty plasma (dust storms) for Mars surface atmosphere layer
- Temporary extra electrically conductive Martian atmospheric layer created
- Crazy sunspot action, highest for 24 years on our stars plasma surface
- Sun CMEs, plasma flares flow to Mars/comet when they are closest
Comet Siding Spring flew very close to Mars, at one third of the Earth-Moon distance. This is one of the most exciting planetary events that we'll see in our lifetime. Mars was literally engulfed by the coma, the comet's outer atmosphere, for several hours. However, a deeper analysis of the data shows that the comet's interaction with Mars is much more difficult to understand than we expected because of the effects of a CME that hit Mars a few hours earlier. In addition, the encounter happened at the peak of the martian dust season. We need to understand the full context of the observations in order to separate out the real cometary effects on Mars.
... The interval before, during and after the Comet Siding Spring encounter with Mars was one of the most disturbed periods of the current solar cycle. The CME was launched from the largest sunspot group observed in the last 24 years and several additional solar flares were detected that would have impacted on Mars around this time.
Solar eruption 'photobombed' Mars encounter with Comet Siding Spring |
Electric Power Delivery System
The timing of Comet Sliding Spring (C/2013 A1) at the peak electric dust storm on Mars is intriguing. It would be reasonable to think this is an actual coincidence in all of this electricity delivery system. But. Orbital resonance? An Electric Universe 'electron' transporting electromagnetic energy?
The comets either opposite charge or much potentially lower charge, to the inner solar systems seems to be the likely potential differences triggers for the Suns activity. The active asteroids and Mars plasmaspheres interacting with each other long before they physically approached close.
Sanchez-Cano has investigated the interaction of the comet with energetic particles from the Sun, and the effects of the CME and cometary encounter on the martian atmosphere, using data from ESA's Mars Express mission, NASA's MAVEN and Mars Odyssey orbiters, and the Curiosity rover on the martian surface. Her results show clear signs of 'showers' of energetic oxygen ions and dust from the time that Mars was inside the coma up to 35 hours after comet's closest approach. These ions, most likely from the comet, were accelerated by the highly active solar wind during the comet encounter and delivered into the martian atmosphere.
This created an extra electrically-conducting layer (ionosphere) at a lower level than the planet's usual ionosphere. None of those particles seem to have arrived at the martian surface as observed by the Curiosity rover, confirming that they were absorbed in the atmosphere.
Solar eruption 'photobombed' Mars encounter with Comet Siding Spring |
Planet Mars as a transformer or another component in a universe full of electricity?
Packets of electrical energy
The asteroid seems to be a fast moving lump of rock coming from our outer solar system (or outside it?). The active asteroid and Mars transferring and transforming energy while travelling at a relative velocity of 35 miles per second (56 km/s).
This would help keep its electromagnetic potential difference at maximum to the local space plasma and plasma sheaths.
"The main action took place during the comet's closest approach," said Espley, "but the planet's magnetosphere began to feel some effects as soon as it entered the outer edge of the comet's coma."
At first, the changes were subtle. As Mars' magnetosphere, which is normally draped neatly over the planet, started to react to the comet's approach, some regions began to realign to point in different directions. With the comet's advance, these effects built in intensity, almost making the planet's magnetic field flap like a curtain in the wind. By the time of closest approach - when the plasma from the comet was densest - Mars' magnetic field was in complete chaos. Even hours after the comet's departure, some disruption continued to be measured.
Close Comet Flyby Threw Mars' Magnetic Field Into Chaos | NASA
Is asteroid Sliding Spring on an orbital resonance with Mars?
Is it a one off packet of energy or trigger?
Is there a flow of asteroids interacting with all the planets? Or multiple orbital resonances?
Mars electrical circuits
To the surprise of the mission team, a dust cloud in the Martian atmosphere at around 150 kilometers above the surface was found to be electrically charged.
Martian dust devils draw tons of dust through thousands of funnels and carry it for hundreds of kilometers. What causes those dust storms and why are they electrified? The air is 100 times thinner on Mars and averages 75 degrees colder than Earth, yet dust storms sometimes obscure an entire hemisphere. NASA scientists assume that the non-thermal radiation MAVEN detected was caused by electric charge building up in the gyrating dust grains.
In an Electric Universe, no bouncing dust grains are necessary. Charge separation already exists in the atmosphere, whether on Earth or Mars. Without watery clouds to send lightning down to ground level, electric discharges on Mars create giant whirlwinds in an electric circuit. It is that same circuit that drives weather systems on Earth. If this is true, then Martian “dust devils” and those on Earth are both illustrations of how electricity behaves in the Solar System.
Still Operational Part Two | Thunderbolts
DREAMS of an electric Mars
Schiaparelli, the latest mission to Mars, is designed primarily as a testing space craft for future ESA (European Space Agency) projects technology.
It is also going to be testing for some forms of Martian electromagnetic phenomena.
The European Schiaparelli probe may have to contend with relatively dusty conditions when it arrives at Mars. The spacecraft is aiming to make a dump-down on the planet’s Meridiani Plain a week on Wednesday. US researchers have suggested sand particles could soon start lifting into the atmosphere - something they do on a regular, seasonal basis. “We always knew we could arrive in a dust storm and Schiaparelli was designed with that possibility in mind,” said Esa project scientist, Jorge Vago.
“And from the point of view of getting data on the electrification of dusty atmospheres, it could be very nice,” he told BBC News. Schiaparelli is carrying to Mars the first ever instrument dedicated to this purpose.
Schiaparelli Mars probe 'ready for all eventualities' | BBC
Electric wind in the Martian sails
As more and more scientific experimental conclusions and modified theories appear to include words, phrases and ideas that seem to be getting more electrified in their nature, the Schiaparelli experimental surface instruments are looking into the electrical nature of the dust storms on Mars.
DREAMS (Dust Characterisation, Risk Assessment, and Environment Analyser on the Martian Surface) has an instrument called MicroARES (Atmospheric Radiation and Electricity Sensor) that has been designed to look into Mars atmospheric electrification.
As Schiaparelli is only a testing mission for ESA's ExoMars Programme, the DREAMS experiments may only be collecting data for 2 to 8 days, if it survives the entry and landing to Mars.
DREAMS will provide the first measurements of electric fields on the surface of Mars (with MicroARES). Combined with measurements (from SIS) of the concentration of atmospheric dust, DREAMS will provide new insights into the role of electric forces on dust lifting, the mechanism that initiates dust storms.
In addition, the DREAMS-H sensor will complement MicroARES measurements with critical data about humidity; this will enable scientists understand better the dust electrification process.
Schiaparelli science package and science investigations | ESA