Rough Notes:

The great and abominable church

It has come to light that modern day science is no longer being looked at objectively. Its achievements have clouded our minds. It has gone so far, that we are blindly trusting in it, and are following it just like people following a religion. We are happy with the toys it gives us, and all the while we are forgetting what is truly important. Questioning is the most important aspect of science, and that is a direct threat to authority, and ironically scientists and the science institutions have become authorities and churches. They have become our priests of the modern era. Whatever the priest with the biology hat says must be true about life. Whatever the priest with the physics hat says must be taught as facts. 

Science is no longer serving the purpose of discovering truth. It has become the main method of control. Governments have always kept people in line by collaborating with certain institutions. It used to be organized religion, where there basically was no difference between state and religion. Now, there is no difference between science and state. Why? Because of where the funding comes from. Shell will never fund an investigation that would make their oil obsolete because they would go out of business. In turn, if Shell goes out of business a lot of people will lose their jobs and will pay no taxes, thus, the government will not fund something that will put Shell out of business. This will impede the progress of any scientific progression regarding clean or sustainable energy. 

The corporate grid is controlling everything that is being investigated and everything that is being published, no matter which branch of science you look at. The investigations done by free thinkers or independent researchers are not falsified by disproving hypotheses, but rather discarded by scorn and ridicule. And the biggest fans of science are not only supporting these actions when it's done to independent scientists, they are also taking over this attitude. A discussion with them is often no longer possible. It becomes a slander and humiliation fest, rather than an exchange of ideas and progress of our thinking. 

Like written in this article; 

There is no pursuit of knowledge that does not seek to affect the world. Science is made by people with interests, intentions and ambitions; and it’s funded by governments and companies with agendas. Scientific development is subject to funding rules, to expectations about outcomes, and to social forces and institutions that shape our research.

for example, Novartis recently tried to block the manufacturing of a generic lifesaving drug in India that helps treat cancer patients. This is one of the consequences of the legal system that currently underpins the work of every scientist.

Scientists are at the centre of this process, yet they seem oblivious to it. Indeed, if you talk to scientists, as I do (since I am one of them), these issues almost never come up. Ask them about the nature of scientific progress, the funding decisions of their project, the forces behind it or the interests it serves, and you will get a confused look. This is a problem.

It is estimated that approximately 50% of all the scientific research in the world goes into military improvements. In other words, it goes into harming people rather than helping them, relieving them, or saving them. In turn, schools have become a propaganda where science being an authority is crammed into the minds of children in the same way that religion was being crammed into their skull. They will grow up to sustain the system that is slowly destroying them. And the more support the governments and corporations get from the people they indoctrinate, the more people will be doing that work for them, worsening the situation. They give us toys with their technology, to keep us distracted from the slavery we are already in, and to distract us from the additional chains that are being added to our minds and bodies daily. The US is in the front, all countries will follow. 

The only way out of this circle of doom is to support independent scientists that question the status quo, and to question the most popular scientists. The scientists who do not conform to the status quo are probably the handful that are aware of this censorship and control. The most popular scientists are unaware that they themselves are a parasite on the masses by sustaining this system. They will tell you that the system is completely fair and that there is no manipulation going on. We have the obligation to question every authority, especially in modern day science, if we wish to see any kind of progress in our world. 

We should live our lives as if we are scientists ourselves, and not fall into the religion of scientism. One will lead to the expansion of our minds and knowledge, where we can create a sustainable and peaceful future. The other will lead to narrowing of our freedoms and individuality, where we will be subject to endless work and constant depression. 

The choice, is up to you...