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Where Ancient History, Ancient Religion, and Comparative Mythology meet Cosmology creating Imagery, and Traditions we see and use all around us still today.
Paradigms - Chapter 8 - Page 1
We make the mistake of believing parts of a biblical story are literal when they are symbolic, and we believe parts are symbolic, when they are literal. This theorem is meant to help you know which is which. We lie when we say we are confident that every detail of every story is true. The stories in Religious books are true, but parts are symbolic, and parts are literal.
Paradigms - Chapter 8 - Page 2
Religion too often gives justification to treat others badly. Shuts down opposing views. "God tells us to do this, and God is love so therefore it is ok." Religion in politics can give us the power to take other's rights from them. Throughout history man has used religion to justify the most horrible acts of torture and violence imaginable. In this case, it is used to justify silencing this theorem.
Paradigms - Chapter 8 - Page 3
Many religions are also run as corporations. This has attracted corruption and greed throughout history. It entices leaders to become power hungry. In the case that a country runs under a theocracy, extreme oppression usually takes place. Church, State, Science, and Business should check and balance each other.
Paradigms - Chapter 8 - Page 4
Don't question your religion or it's leaders or you wont get the reward when you get to heaven." "God would not allow our prophet to lead us astray." Really? Think really hard about that. It's a very dangerous belief. Make sure you know it.
Paradigms - Chapter 8 - Page 5
"You don't need to look outside this church. Everything you need is right here." The world's education system will lead you astray." "All other religions are of the devil." "Its us and them. Don't associate with them. Stay in this safety bubble with your friends."
Paradigms - Chapter 8 - Page 6
If science proves your belief wrong, are you willing to give it up and allow the truth to replace it? Too many times religious people are not.
Paradigms - Chapter 8 - Page 7
Some people want the end to come so badly, they don't even realize they are creating negative outcomes that wouldn't be created otherwise.
Paradigms - Chapter 8 - Page 8
Are you giving up so much power in the name of trusting Jesus or God that you aren't solving problems that you could solve yourself? Do you wait for Christ to return to make the world a better place, when you could get others involved to make at least parts of it better? Are you acting helpless? Being a victim? Waiting for someone else to tell you the answers, when you could go find them yourself? Be self reliant physically, as well as spiritually. Your church leaders are simply wrong when they tell you to just listen to them instead of search diligently yourself for answers and solutions. An example: When a church gives handouts, they entice the receiver to become dependent and lazy. Churches should help out in this way, but also make sure the person is taught to be self reliant.
Paradigms - Chapter 8 - Page 9
To fear God, is to love God. It does not mean to live in fear. Is hell a real place? Will some of us really burn in everlasting fire? Are you worried that you will? Relax. Be the best you can be and stop the worrying. Religion can be a lot of fun when you research and study all these new and exciting ideas. Do you fear that you might be punished for studying and learning the wrong thing? Do you fear you might allow evil into your life by studying the wrong thing? Stop. Its a lie.
Paradigms - Chapter 8 - Page 10
We lie when we say the Bible doesn't teach very nasty things. Are these world scale disasters caused by God, or by nature? What about disease and human suffering? Does God get angry at us and cause these nasty things to happen? No. He does warn us though. Even the righteous will suffer natural disasters. The world scale disasters were almost all caused by close encounters by another planet, or comet.
Paradigms - Chapter 8 - Page 11
Faith without works is dead. Do we believe we are saved no matter what? Maybe we are, but to what degree? We know that when we research, read, and study, we become smarter, and more successful, and usually happier. Why wouldn't it be the same on the other side? The acquisition of correct knowledge is in direct proportion to the degree of glory you enjoy, both in this life and the next. Knowledge is not the only thing that determines glory, but you will not receive much simply by grace alone. You have to work for it. Seek, Knock, Ask. Are you a God, or a Servant? Dont run around with false confidence. Real confidence comes from Knowledge and experience, not belief. Dig deep. Add to yourself. Dig deep. Truly know God, Christ, the Spirit. Don't just believe.
Paradigms - Chapter 8 - Page 12
The greatest commandment is to love God. The best way to love him is to love yourself and others. You cant love others if you are not trying to understand their hopes, values, beliefs, cultures, convictions, and world views. Never assume your religion has all the truth and other's don't. Study them and even live them if you can. Visit other countries when you can. Don't make them opponents. Don't just try to teach them your religion, or your point of view. Shut up and truly listen.