Rough Notes:

The Antipodal Moon


The Antipodal Moon
By Andrew Hall

Science has puzzled over the Moon more than any other body in space. It’s the only place mankind has walked and brought back a ton of rocks. Yet, some of its features puzzle scientists as much today as the day they discovered it wasn’t made of cheese.

The biggest question is, why are the near and far-sides so different?

The Moon is tidally locked to Earth and, because of that, presents one side to Earth at all times. The near-side is dominated by the smooth, dark maria that appear to be the result of enormous impacts that left seas of magma. The far side, however, has little maria, and is pockmarked with many more craters.


The near-side crust is only 60 km thick, overlain with 3 to 5 km of regolith — the pulverized concrete-like dust and rock of the lunar topsoil.

The far-side is much thicker; so much so, it is believed to be the cause of a significant offset to the Moon’s center of mass.

The far-side crust is 100 km thick, covered in 10 to 15 km of regolith, and so extensively carpeted with craters that they often overlap.


Magnetic Field Strength on the Moon

Also of note, the Moon exhibits remnant magnetism that portrays the exact same pattern of antipodal contrast from the near to far-side. The areas of highest contrast in crustal thickness and magnetism are skewed far to the north on the near-side, and far to the south on the far-side. They directly oppose each other.

Standard theory has changed over the years when attempting to explain the Moon’s antipodal nature. At one time, theory held that Earth protected the earth facing side of the Moon from impact. That theory lasted until statistical analysis showed the tiny diameter of Earth in relation to the orbiting Moon could not have blocked more than 1 percent of incoming asteroids . . . hardly enough to notice, let alone explain the difference in crater density.


Moon’s Eastern Hemisphere, near-side on left

Current scientific thought maintains that the Moon was created when a Mars-sized body collided with the Earth, dislodging debris that coalesced into the Moon in Earth’s orbit over 4.5 billion years ago. A period of heavy bombardment then left the majority of impact craters and a molten interior about 3.9 billion years ago.

Volcanism subsequently filled the impact basins on the near-side with lava, through cracks in the thinner crust, to solidify into the maria around 3.2 billion years ago. The far-side, having a thicker crust, experienced far less lava flow, therefore, preserving its craters.

Another popular theory proposes that, because Earth was a molten mass of rock at the time of the early bombardment, its infrared glow and tidal forces heated the near-side of the Moon sufficiently to delay its freezing into solid rock. The far-side cooled much faster and preserved the craters left by the early bombardment.

Each of these theories attempts to explain the difference in crater density using gravity, but fails to address why the far-side crust is thicker in the first place. A gravity model would predict the center of the Moon’s mass should face Earth. Some have speculated the Moon got turned around between bombardment and the end of lunar volcanism although no mechanism has been accepted that would cause that to occur.

The EU community also has theories to explain lunar dichotomies. The approach it uses starts by asking more questions to get perspective on the problem.

It is curious that the density of cratering on near and far-sides is not nearly as marked as the crater density at the poles. The following slides show the north and south poles, and the near and far-sides for comparison. There is little mention, if any, that this anomaly exists in standard theories, let alone explain it.

Another way to progress is to look at a more holistic picture. For instance, how do other planets and moons look? Mars also has spiral features at the poles, as highlighted by the polar ice caps on the north and south poles. Although the swirl is evident in the ice, it is a feature deeply sculpted in the underlying rock.

Mars South Pole

Mars North Pole

Is a pattern beginning to appear? A look at Mars’ crustal thickness and crater density also shows similarities. Crater density is antipodal, too, as seen alternating from smooth to cratered hemispheres in these four views of Mars. Crustal density and remnant magnetism on Mars also follow the same patterns.

It’s also apparent the remnant magnetism matches the dark, swirling deposits in the southern hemisphere, similar to how the moon’s magnetism matches its surface features. Like the Moon, the antipodal features of Mars are in direct opposition.

Although there is less data to go on, other planets and moons show similar traits. The following slides show Mercury, Callisto, Enceladus, Triton and Pluto, all of which have one side smooth and one side with heavily cratered highlands.

The demarcation is often stark, as exemplified in the photo below of a crater trail crossing boundaries on Ganymede.


Running a crater stop sign on Ganymede

A scientific approach should attempt to address these similarities in a holistic fashion, looking for commonality of cause and effect.

The standard methodology explains geological anomalies by conjuring a large body of mass to put some catalytic gravity into the explanation. According to conventional thinking, the antipodal crustal thickness on Mars is the result of an oblique impact that blasted away crust from the northern hemisphere early in Mars’ history. Because the impact struck the red planet a glancing blow, the whole crust didn’t melt, leaving the northern crust thinner than the southern crust.

But the impact theories still leave geophysicists with the problem of explaining why both the Moon and Mars are magnetized on only one hemisphere. According to the most recent theory, the remnant magnetism is the result of past dynamo current from molten interiors. Neither the Moon or Mars have an active core dynamo today.

On the Moon, the dynamo theory is based on a circulating molten core after the Moon’s formation. It left a magnetic imprint that was subsequently wiped away on one hemisphere, when it re-melted after the heavy bombardment.

Unfortunately, the age of the magnetized rock implies that the lunar dynamo had to still be going some 3.7 billion years ago, about 800 million years after the Moon’s formation. That is longer than expected  for natural circulation to cool the molten interior. The Moon’s small core should have cooled off within a few hundred million years. So now, planetary scientists are seeking more gravitational forces to kept their model of the dynamo going.

In the case of Mars, it’s never been understood why Mars’ northern hemisphere has virtually no magnetic field. Evidence suggests that the effect is an ancient feature that should have formed before the dynamo shut down, and well after the assumed impact event. Thus, it should be magnetized.

Several ad hoc theories have been considered. Maybe the north lost its magnetism in the presence of water, or maybe there were  impacts after the dynamo shut down that wiped out the north’s magnetism. Most recently, a theory proposed that impacts created differential temperatures, which allowed a single-hemisphere dynamo to form that magnetized only the southern half of the planet.

Further ad hoc theories have been proposed with unknown massive bodies involved, as contemporary science tries to explain these scars found on Venus, Ganymede, Europa, Charon and Dione. Perhaps a gravitational paint brush . . .

The evidence suggests that all of these planets and moons experienced severe electrical discharges from close contact with neighboring moons and planets during their creation when the solar system’s orbital dynamics were different.

A revised electrical story could be told. The polar regions experienced cyclonic current events, similar to the polar aurora on Earth — though many orders of magnitude more energetic — from a dissimilarity charged body in proximity.

The cratering and swirls were the result of electrical discharge and cathodic erosion at one pole, etching away the surface. The opposite pole experienced electrical discharge with anodic accumulation of material, forming a dome, drawing in matter from the nearby planet, as well as sweeping in dust from the eroding pole.

As the current between bodies built at the poles, it coursed across the surface and through the interior, seeking conductive channels to short-circuit. Ionized dust created a thick plasma atmosphere, and flash-overs occurred, coursing across the mid-latitudes, scarring the face of the planet.

The same effect can be witnessed today on a far more subtle scale on Earth. The polar aurora illustrate solar currents streaming into the atmosphere, and the continuous belt of thunderstorms across the equatorial latitudes show charge differentials building and discharging as violent lightning. Climate, seismic and volcanic effects wax and wane with the solar current.


Mars crustal relief

Natural electromagnetic forces in arcing current sheets differentiate charge potentials, eroding one hemisphere cathodically, while anodically depositing magnetized material on the other. It sorts material and preferentially deposits it in the kind of bewildering array that is actually seen correlating to these features.

These energetic currents built mountains, raised volcanic blisters and tornadic electrical winds; melted bedrock and left craters, lava flows, rilles and canyons — the scars of tremendous thunderbolts. Dust and debris that blanketed one hemisphere trapped gases that burst through the layers of dust, adding simple craters and cones to an already chaotic array of lightning scars and impacts from falling debris.

These processes continue even today. Mercury, Mars, the Moon, comets and even distant asteroids like Ceres exhibit ongoing electrical etching, spurts of glowing discharge and tails of ionic material in response to the solar current.

The evidence is not only in these macro-features but at every level of detail. Below are several examples of anomalous planetary features that can be explained electrically, without tripping into contradictions, or stretching the probabilities, the physics, or the imagination.

Much work remains to understand the physics of solar system formation, its temporal context and the orbital dynamics that caused events resulting in the types of morphology  seen today.  Building models and equations to better define first causes is the devil in the detail.

Because EU theory provides an interdisciplinary, holistic approach, there is more evidence on which to rely. Events of electrical planetary exchange has been recorded in the history of mankind. Witnessed events of Mars and Venus in an electromagnetic embrace, and the consequences here on Earth, were recorded in the mythology that is collectively referred to as Thunderbolts of the Gods. Dave Talbott explains this aspect of the historical record in the series, Discourses on an Alien Sky.

Antipodal is a consistent theme in planet morphology for all of the rocky planets and moons. The inherent dipolar nature of electromagnetism from the subatomic scale to the cosmic produces immense forces. It creates not only planets and moons, but stars, galaxies and the entire Electric Universe.


Continents…No Continents…Continents…

For more reading on planetary features and EU theory on their formation, follow these links to related Thunderblogs and presentations:

Electrical Discharge Scarring of Planets and Moons | Space News, an interview with Stephen Smith

Electrical Scarring of Planets and Moon, Part 2 | Space News

Astronomers Have No Idea How Planets Form

Did Van Gogh Paint This? by Andrew Hall

Hexagonal Craters on Mercury and The Craters are Electric by Micheal Goodspeed

Episode 3, Symbols of an Alien Sky — the Lightning-Scarred Planet, Mars

Andrew Hall is an engineer and writer, who spent thirty years in the energy industry.  He can be reached at [email protected] or

Unless otherwise captioned, all images courtesy of NASA, JPL and ESA.

The ideas expressed in Thunderblogs do not necessarily express the views of T-Bolts Group Inc or The Thunderbolts ProjectTM.




 Credit: Advanced Moon Imaging Experiment (AMIE) on board ESA's SMART-1 spacecraft

Jun 20, 2007

The Reiner Gamma Formation

The Moon is a "dead body," according to modern theories of the solar system; it long ago exhausted any remnant heat that it retained from its birth. It has no magnetic field and it does not radiate, except to reflect the light that it receives from the sun. But, could electrical forces have recently shaped the lunar surface?

The birth of the Moon is still being debated in scientific circles: is it a captured body? Is it the result of a cataclysmic collision of the Earth with another celestial object?

The Reiner Gamma formation, shown above, is a conundrum for those who insist on slow, uniform cooling and a relatively stable lunar environment. The swirling pattern of bright material is located in Oceanus Procellarum, near Reiner crater. It is one of three such swirls on the Moon – the other two are on the far side, near Mare Marginis and Mare Ingenii. Another of these formations exists in the solar system, on the planet, Mercury.

The theories of Reiner-Gamma’s formation abound, but none have been tested, or confirmed through observation. Among the prevailing theories are: a) high velocity comet impact; b) seismic activity; c) latent magnetic fields from large, rayed craters nearby; d) magnetic storms from the sun; e) lunar volcanism (e.g., El-Baz 1972; Schultz and Srnka 1980).

A high velocity comet impact would not have left a mere surface deposit of powdered debris. There would have been folding of strata along the rim of the impact crater, as well as large boulders and other rock deposits from the blast effect. Those features are missing. Seismic activity/lunar volcanism could explain the dust-like deposits that appear to have “settled out” from the cloud of an eruption event. However, there is no volcanic vent, nor large crack out of which the material could have been ejected. Further, lunar quakes of sufficient magnitude have never been detected by instrument packages left behind by various Apollo missions to the Moon.

Recent magnetic data suggest a link to impact-related magnetism because the swirls in Mare Ingenii and near Gerasimovich crater are associated with relatively strong magnetic anomalies antipodal to some of the young impact basins such as Imbrium and Crisium (Hood 1987; Lin et al. 1988; Hood and Williams 1989; Halekas et al. 2001; Hood et al. 2001; Richmond et al. 2005).

According to scientists, Reiner Gamma is a surface deposit, similar to the powdered rock rays extending from lunar craters like Tycho (Hood et al. 2001). Similar ray shapes are also visible in the images from Mercury. But, does that tell the whole story? Or does it even hint at a proper interpretation of the observations?

As previous TPOD’s have demonstrated, the rayed features from craters are not the result of explosive ejection, but are the remains of electric discharges moving across the lunar surface. According to Ralph Juergens, one of a few scientists who, during his lifetime, acknowledged and explained the electric cosmos:

“It’s all-but-impossible to reconcile with ejection origins. Enormous velocities of ejection must be postulated to explain the lengths of the rays (of Tycho), yet the energetic processes responsible for such velocities must be imagined to be focused very precisely to account for the ribbon-thin appearance of the rays”.

Latent magnetic fields are part of the formation (as well as those in Mare Marginis and Mare Ingenii) and were measured by the Magnetometer/Electron Reflectometer (MAG/ER) experiment onboard the Lunar Prospector spacecraft in the 1990’s. Measurements of the remnant magnetism in the lunar crust were taken by observing the magnetic reflection of electrons from the Moon’s surface. The differences are small, but the evidence points to a variable strength magnetic field imprinted on the Moon. Since magnetism is a result of electrical currents, then the swirling pattern of the formation may be the result of an external electrical influence.

Swirlsarcs and curlicues are found on every rocky body in the solar system, as well as on most of the ice-bodies. An explanation for the swirling path of Reiner Gamma must include the features of varying scale that are found on the other moons.

According to electrical theorists, a common explanation for each of the geo-morphological features that we have illustrated is that the planets and moons exist within an electric universe. Each solar system object is normally insulated within its individual charge sheath. However, when those sheaths touch, electric charge is exchanged. Therefore, we find that the moon, Io, which orbits within Jupiter’s plasma sheath, is undergoing continuous electrical bombardment from its parent planet.

Reiner Gamma is one more example of surface scarring in an electrically active Solar System. The braided appearance and the deposit’s lack of depth suggest rotating Birkeland currents, draped over the surface, creating a filamentary and pleated look to the light-colored field. The shape of the deposit is suggestive of the auroral curtains that can be seen in the skies of Earth’s polar regions. Reiner Gamma may be the result of similar activity by energetic streamers from the sun or another charged body.

By Stephen Smith