Catastrophism and Philosophy

Catastrophism shaping mythology

Nothing has influences mythology more than Catastrophic world events, almost always in the form of natural disasters.

The stories of Atlantis, The Iliad and the Odyssey are good examples.


Catastrophism shaping prophecy

The vast majority of prophecy is a warning based on past catastrophic events, usually earthbound from the heavens.


Catastrophism shaping religion

Every major religion in history is filled with stories of massive world changing miracles or destruction inflicted directly from God himself. Most of these are simply world wide catastrophes.

Biblical stories like the Exodus, Flood, Babel, Samson, The Garden are good examples.


Catastrophism shaping symbolism

Nearly all ancient symbols, imagery, archetypes, and motifs are directly or indirectly derived from planetary encounters, or plasma discharges in Earths ancient skies.